Rei of Light
Rei of Light Podcast
Podcast // Currents Episode 2: Stay in Your Lane (or how to share your gifts when the world is on fire)

Podcast // Currents Episode 2: Stay in Your Lane (or how to share your gifts when the world is on fire)


What do you do when the world around you is on fire? What issue do you tackle first?

Healthcare? The environment? Your job and/or the corporate capitalist system at large? It can be dizzying to try to “save the world” while at the same time trying to offer your gifts to the world in a meaningful way.

The trick is that everything is connected, so every action is connected and affects everything else.

So every solution you offer, and yes, even every shift of consciousness you achieve “changes the world”.

But more than that, your experience of your unique existence is the point of all of this. Everything from your struggle to find your way, to the ahas you achieve are exactly the reason you’re here.

So what if you start from a place of realizing that everything you do and are matters? That you’re right on track and that your particular experience is part of a larger collective process that no one else could fill? And that any part of the “problem” that you tackle is exactly the one for you to take on.

And what if you then lived and worked, and acted as if your life and the lives of everyone depended on it? How might you pursue the work that is yours to do? And have the realizations you’re here to have? With a furry and a fire that lights you up like nothing else could?

In this episode I offer some insight and reflection on how to find focus in times of uncertainty, change and when everything is calling for your attention. I hope it serves you in finding what you need as the world around us quivers - and that it guides you to focus on what is uniquely yours. Because we are here for it and can’t wait to see you shine and own it like on one else can.

*Footnote: Here is the book that I mention in the Podcast “You Matter More Than You Think”, by Karen L. O'Brien, on the link between quantum physics and social change. As she says ”Unlock the key to some of our time’s greatest challenges. This book is about how and why each of us truly matter in responding to climate change and other global crises.”

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Rei of Light
Rei of Light Podcast
A space to learn about transformative experience, energy and leadership.